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Galvanised Heavy Duty Steel (Angle) Brackets

Angle brackets bind two distinct pieces of timber material at an angle of ninety degrees. Angle bracket comprises sheathing to reinforce the fastening of perpendicular intersections, it is also effective in securing the rigidity of joints and preventing lateral movement of the fixed materials.

Angle Brackets serve as connectors where the two arms or sides cross each at right angles and support structural reinforcements to impacting walls and encasement structures. Angle brackets yield greater strength to products with lighter gauges. The folded edge angle provides a safer working edge, improving site safety and manual handling. Reinforced angle brackets excel at forging wood to concrete joints and reinforcing structural and framing applications. Timber frameworks rely on heavy-duty angle brackets for establishing columns, bracing, connecting trusses to partition walls, or creating enduring connections between posts and beams or floors and posts. Angle brackets correct wall plates with misaligned iron hoops in need of truss fixing.

Angle brackets at Buildworld come from Expamet in Galvanized steel and stainless steel.

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