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Damp Proofing

Protection from adverse weather is of paramount consideration for any housing or commercial building. For this reason, it is advisable to select suitable materials for combating the harshest climatic conditions to prevent moisture transmission and rising damp that must be included in the structure's composition. This makes it vital to choose appropriate protective materials during construction, especially on walls or floors.

At Buildworld, we stock multiple ranges of products designed and manufactured by top brands such as Buildworld, Ronseal and Wykamol. For waterproofing of masonry walls, Damp-Proof Course (DPC) or Damp-Proof Membranes (DPC) or, at times, even a combination of the two.

DPC and DPM are well known to ward off moisture within interior spaces but differ in how and where they are applied. A mason typically rolls out a dpc layer over a bed of cement, cutting it as per the required size, and adds another layer on top, preventing the wall from damp ingress. A DPC may also be installed flat all along under the inner skin of a wall or floor to combine it with a DPM.

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