Buildworld: 0116 212 3456

Alarms & Sensors

Most modern alarm systems use active sensors to accurately detect intruders and avoid false alarms and inconvenience to visitors. Video security cameras are important in an alarm system if coupled with detection software or motion sensors. The software can detect motion on the image and trigger the alarm as it comes equipped with image recognition software to detect human forms.

Here at Buildworld, we have a wide range of products to meet all of your security needs. Our alarm and sensor systems’ varying functions provide choices to ensure that your home is secure and safe. Our alarms operate with doors and windows to keep your home shielded from break-ins and burglaries. Sensors can be of different types: motion sensors, infrared sensors, alarm sensors, microwave sensors, and more. Active sensors include motion or radar sensors.

Besides security alarms and sensors, you can also find other safety devices, like a fire alarm, heat alarm, smoke alarm, video cameras, and PIR sensor, to guarantee your safety from a fire or any other hazardous occurrences. Start browsing our catalogue of alarm and sensor products, from Forum-Lighting and take advantage of our competitive pricing.

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