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Flat Roof Waterproofing

Waterproofing of roofs is paramount to the health of a home as the roof is exposed to harsh weather conditions, climate change, rain, hail, and storms. Rail water or snow also tends to collect on the terrace surface and will start seeping in, causing damage. There are different waterproofing coatings in the market.

At Buildworld, we stock a good mix of waterproofing coatings to meet your roofing requirements. Our high-performance coatings are made by the best brands, using pioneering technology and innovation. These coating systems have been providing coating solutions to contractor, architects for years. We offer a wide range of cost-effective, custom formulated, decorative, single and plural component, low VOCs, trowel, and slurry applied waterproof coatings for all conditions. These coatings are prepared with high-grade materials and as per required quality standards.

Below, we have showcased a range of products such as Instant Repair for Flat Roofs, Water Seal, Roof Coating, Roof Repair Compound, Bitumastic Coating, Acrylic Roof Coating and more, which is most commonly used in buildings.

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